It’s time to build our float for the 2012 West Metro Parade of Lights!
This is sure to be a lot of fun, so come and join the fun!!!
We will be meeting on Saturday, Dec. 1, 2012 at the home of
Shiela Dukes
1101 Sioux Trail
West Columbia, SC 29169
We will start around 12:00 PM
This is a B.Y.O.B (and snack) Event
Our theme this year is “Christmas Island”!!
Please bring any lights that you can spare (the more the better) any kind of decorations such as Palm trees, flamingos, and anything with that lights up that we may be able to use.
A weighted box wrapped and decorated. Tape, zip ties, staple gun and staples, and paint brushes too! Tim has sand colored paint and if anyone has blue paint that we can use for water please let Tim know . Also, if anyone has a hammock and surf board or a small blowup kids canoe that we could use please let Tim know. Tim’s email address is
We will also be assembling the Tiki Hut, making lighted signs for both side of the float, making and painting a styrofoam sand castle and a fake fire and more!
Think about our theme and Jimmy’s song, Christmas Island and let your imagination take flight! Your ideas and talents will be appreciated!