“Kidney 4 Rick”
A BBQ fundraiser sponsored by the Palmetto Parrot Head Club & Family and Friends of Ricky Kestner.
Every year the Palmetto Parrot Head Club has a “Meeting of the Minds Party” that takes place the weekend before the annual event in Key West, FL. This year we have been given the opportunity to help one of our own and “Party with a Purpose!”
One in eight South Carolinians has chronic kidney disease and South Carolina is fifth in the nation with the number of patients on dialysis. Sadly, one of these South Carolinians is a family member of our own Santa Fred and Beth McCrudy. Beth’s niece’s husband, Ricky Kestner has Polycystic Kidney Disease and will be going to the Medical University of South Carolina in October for a kidney transplant. Ricky is very fortunate that the time has come for him to receive a kidney and making that possible is Beth’s daughter Erin. Erin is donating one of her kidneys to her cousin so that he does not have to wait on a transplant list and not have to undergo dialysis. What a wonderful human being Erin is…..
So on Saturday, October 22nd, the Palmetto Parrot Head Family is coming together at the Rooster’s Den in West Columbia from 1 pm until to help support one of our own by raising funds for Erin and Ricky’s upcoming kidney transplant at the “Kidney4Rick” Benefit! This event will be open to the public and will be blast for everyone!
The “Kidney4Rick” will have something for everyone including: food and beverages, live music donated by Good and Proper, raffles and silent auction with proceeds benefiting the transplant surgery for this father of two and Beth’s daughter Erin. We want everyone to come together and make this happen.
We will be serving BBQ plates of pork or chicken with all the fixings for $8.00 a plate. We have tickets for sale so that you can purchase in advance and pick up the day of the event if you can’t stay. Hey there is no football game and you can always stop by and enjoy a plate of great food on your way to the fair.
It would be great if you could help out by selling a few tickets too…we will have tickets available if you think you can help out! Just think how much we can do if everyone sold 2 tickets each…..We are also looking for donation for the raffle and silent auction.
The Basics:
“Kidney 4 Rick” Benefit
Saturday, October 22, 2011
1 pm until we run out of food.
Rooster’s Den
1215 – A Augusta Road
West Columbia, SC 29169
(803) 794-8200
Live Entertainment donated by Good and Proper
Remember you make it happen!!!!!
If you have any questions or would like to help please contact your PPHC Board:
Elaine Hoffman ladymango@aol.com
Tim Haley t.haley@palmettoparrotheads.com
Dawn Mackowski-Frennier troubleddawn@hotmail.com
Patty Young p.young@palmettoparrotheads.com
Pride Haley pridej2002@yahoo.com
Scott French palmettoparrots@hotmail.com
Larry Hoffman lahoffman@aol.com
Susan Lucas cuteface59@yahoo.com