Dear Phlock,
I hope everyone has enjoyed their summer as it’s about to close and football season is starting up.
We are glad to announce FIN FEST 15 Card Shark Poker Crawl was a great success for our first crawl. We had 60 paid registrations and everyone had a great time and partied with a purpose. We will be donating a total of $4000.00 dollar to the South Carolina Chapter of Alzheimer’s Association this year. I am also glad to announce the Palmetto Parrot Head Club once again has a team participating in the Walk to End Alzheimer‘s team. The walk is Oct. 25, 2014 at Finlay park more details to come.
If you have questions or suggestions my door is always open!
The 2014-2015 Palmetto Parrot Head Club Board of Directors is:
President – Tom Kogutkiewicz
Vice President – Gigi Davis
Treasurer – Debra Ranney
Secretary – Dawn Kogutkiewicz
Member at Large – Patty young
Member at Large – Dawn Mackowski
Member at Large – Steve Baxter
Our next Happy Hour is this Thursday, August 28 @ The Wild Hare Sports Cafe (5122 Bush River Road, Irmo, SC 29212)
I have been challenged by phlock member Tim Haley to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. I was out of town at the time of the challenge and will be doing it at Happy Hour on Thursday so come out and enjoy the fun!
Tom Kogutkiewicz
PPHC President